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Teaching I have been involved with

University of Woolverhampton / Herald College Kathamadu

I am an Instructor / Tutor for the following:
- 6CS005 : High Performance Computing [Autum 2023]
- 6CS012 : Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning [Spring 2024]
- 6CS030 : Big Data
- 5CS037 : Concepts and Technologies of AI
- 4MM013 : Computational Mathematics [Spring 2023, Summer 2023]
- UPC : Mathematics for University Preparation [Summer 2023]

Tribhuvan University / IOE

I have instructed on the following through different years with the collabration of Robotics Club, Student Organzation and respective department during
- Basic Training on AutoCAD [2019, 2021]
- Workshop on LaTeX [2020]
- Problem solving using C Programming [2019]
- Introduction to Python Programming and Raspberry Pi [2019]
- Introduction to Robotics and Arduino [2017]